Sina Haghighat

#1: Listen like a Hostage Negotiator with Richard Mullender

Listen Like a Hostage Negotiator with Richard Mullender

Do we really know how to listen? In this episode, Richard Mullender speaks to Sina Haghighat about the importance of listening and the common communication mistakes that we make. Richard is a former Hostage Negotiator and has had experience negotiating with the Taliban, dealing with extortion threats overseas and diffusing domestic sieges. His approach has had a global impact, where he has shared his insights with the UN and FBI. As the demand for his listening skills grew, he went on to establish the Listening Institute to teach the business world how to listen like hostage negotiators. By listening to understand, rather than reply, we can build more meaningful and authentic connections, therefore improving our listening skills is key.

What to look out for:


The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – 

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Instagram | @sinahaghighat